Our management board consists of experienced two- and four-legged friends who do their best every day to develop really good dog styles that people and animals can enjoy for a long time.
In order to optimally meet the needs of all furry friends, we rely on the know-how of our hard-working and extremely critical office dogs, who first test our products extensively before putting them on the market
come market.

Hard shell soft core. Paula was a real diva. But we couldn't really be mad at her for that. She easily made up for everything with her special charm and cleverness. At times she seemed a little afraid, but surrounded by her loved ones she was able to freely develop her loving, faithful, loyal and protective nature. Unfortunately Paula left us in 2021. We miss her a lot!

Kind-hearted, in need of harmony and sometimes a bit crazy - Pauline is the calm person of a dog and so good-natured, loyal and uncomplicated that you definitely won't hold it against her if she steals the lunch snack from the desk again. Pauline is a real glutton and is looking for something to eat around the clock. When she doesn't eat, she sleeps. Preferably at the reception, where she greets all visitors politely.

The confident Emma is the chick on the Paw Management Board and a real bundle of energy. She happily bustles around the office and infects everyone with her joy of life and curiosity. She starts the day bright and full of energy every morning. A little cuddle here and there is an absolute must for Emma, who is in need of love. Then we continue energetically!

Smart, self-confident, charming, sporty – Franky is our little poser and has real model qualities. As everyone's darling, he knows how to use his advantages precisely and at the same time impresses with his cheerful, balanced, loving nature. He loves to cuddle and is not only an incredibly lovable four-legged friend, but also absolutely loyal. He is the rooster in the basket and enjoys this status to the fullest.
Even more paw support comes from our large Office Dog Family. Whether Arona,
Dorie, Sam or Lotta – our employees’ dogs are always welcome in the office and we are happy about every new addition.
Our Office Dog Team now consists of many different dog breeds of different ages and stages of development. The result: concentrated dog expertise and lots of fun and chaos!